Nanoxia Deep Silence 1 Rev.B Chassis Review

Admin Chassis 3807


Nanoxia are a name you should know, and their Deep Silence chassis already has a following out there in modders land. With that said, it’s hard for a designer and manufacturer of system chassis and other cooling components to make a name for themselves in the shadow of the mainstream corporations.

We always view these companies as enthusiasts who are trying to take on the mainstream giants and usually have a couple of different traits, either something special or just junk created in the same factory and rebadged for newbies to cut their teeth and their fingers on.

Not to be too hard on them, there’s always a vision, there’s always some investment, there’s always peoples jobs on the line, but poor companies who go under, should go under, and the special companies powered by enthusiasts should always prevail, in our opinion.

Today we are reviewing the Nanoxia Deep Silence 1 Rev.B, a chassis with a lot of big claims and design points to help it on the way. We could probably find a good enthusiasts’ chassis, with good cooling and good sound qualities, more easily than pinning the tail on the donkey. There’s always room for improvement however, will the Nanoxia provide it, let’s find out if there’s some strong German engineering behind this brand.


Chassis TypeMid Tower
Manufacturer NumberNXDS1Bb
Materialsteel, plastic
MotherboardsATX, XL-ATX, Micro-ATX, Mini-ITX
Chassis Dimensions220 x 517 x 532mm (W x H x D)
5.25” Drive Bays3
2.5/3.5” Drive Bays8 x (max. 11)
2.5” Drive Bays6
Case Fan (Front)2 x 120 mm (1.300 U/min)
Case Fan (Rear)1 x 140 mm (1.100 U/min)
Case Fan (Top)optional 2 x 120/140 mm
Case Fan (Bottom)optional 1 x 120/140 mm
Maximum VGA Card Length315 (445) mm
I/O Ports2 x USB3.0 + HD Audio & Mic.
Max height for CPU coolers185 mm

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Nanoxia are in our good books already with some high end audio level packaging. The box was very heavy, we thought there may be a PSU included, but this was down to the chassis and the extreme protection Nanoxia included.

A new standard in protection, or at least from a relative newcomer. You maybe wondering why we are pushing this point, but we receive a lot of samples from various manufacturers, and you can tell attention to detail in something seemingly as insignificant as the packaging material.

We can nearly promise you, this chassis will arrive in a very good condition, regardless of courier.

Nanoxia Deep Silence 1 Rev.B Chassis Review

Packaging - 9.5
Features - 9.1
Build - 9
Component Compatibility - 8.5
Price - 8.5
Consumer Experience - 8.5


The chassis is very good, a real piece of hardware to be proud of. It's heavyweight as well, when you fill this up, it's going to feel like solid stone! The sound deadening really helps give a high quality feel to the chassis, absorbing more than just fan sounds, and creating a solid, expensive car door feel to the chassis.