Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 2666Mhz 16Gb Memory Review

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With the introduction of the Z170 Chipset from Intel, DDR4 memory is now becoming the mainstream memory standard and not only for the X99 Chipset fan club. We know the price will come down, and speeds will go up, and that manufacturers will start to branch out a little. So DDR4 is going to be your next RAM purchase. We have had DDR4 in the office for well over 18 months, but the first set we ever got our hands on was the Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 2666Mhz 16Gb kit, and we have been bashing it into a lot of test systems ever since.

We have had the privilege of Crucial DDR4, and that’s been a good set of stable and fast DDR4 RAM, so let’s see how Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 memory performs with this quick review.

Launched in September 2012, DDR4 offers a higher module density over DDR3 and at a lower voltage. This means larger and cooler DIMMs giving the highest module size to date. DDR4 will also mean higher speeds than ever before and we are seeing some insane overclock speeds from this memory standard.


Form FactorUnbuffered DIMM
Number of DIMMs4 x 4GB
DIMM TypeUnbuffered NON-ECC
DIMM ColourBlack
HeatsinkAnodized Aluminum
WarrantyLifetime limited warranty

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Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 2666Mhz 16Gb Memory

The RAM modules are very industrial looking. They come in several colours, red, blue and black. This RAM has been out for a while now, Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 was some of the first DDR4 to market after the standard was signed off.

Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 2666Mhz 16Gb Memory Review

Package - 8
Performance - 7.5
Price - 7.5
Consumer Experience - 7.5


RAM is one of the main things that can mess up your system, and you'll struggle to find the source of the issue with poor quality memory. Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 however, is globally known as some good solid RAM, and we would agree. Throughout our tests we have no freezing or crashes, speeds were good and with the exception of the XMP 2800Mhz profile, nothing to grumble about.