Nanoxia CoolForce 2 Chassis Review

Admin Chassis 2375

The underside has a dust filter that’s the full length of the main area and slides in and out easily.

CoolForce 2

The goodies included are reasonable and are worth a mention because of a couple of cables that are included. Included are special SATA combination cables, one straight and one at a right angle.

CoolForce 2

The  SATA combination cables are from the sleeved cable series and are excellent if you want that modded look but maybe don’t have the nerve to cut up your new motherboards SATA cables.

Nanoxia CoolForce 2 Chassis Review

Packaging - 8.8
Features - 8.8
Build - 8.7
Component Compatibility - 8
Price - 8.7
Consumer Experience - 8


This is another Nanoxia chassis we really like. It is not a Deep Silence 1 Rev.B but it doesn't need to be, it is a chassis with design touches and features all of its own. We liked the provided cable management, lighting and the amount of airflow this chassis could achieve. We also liked the green fans, though, not to everyone's taste, and may put off some AMD fans!