MSI GTX 970 GAMING Twin Frozr V Graphics Card Review

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Finally, some Crysis 3, the enemy of FPS.

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The MSI GTX 970 GAMING Twin Frozr V pushes ahead again, impressive results.


The MSI GTX 970 GAMING Twin Frozr V is a very exciting product. It feels, performs and looks like a step change from the GTX770. Not to say the previous generation is obsolete, it is just the GTX 970 is a very mature and accomplished release. There hasn’t been this sort of buzz around the GTX series in years, or at least one that was confirmed to be gratified.

We have been bowled over by the fan performance, and although a little unnerving, we happily got used to its performance in no time. At the time of writing MSI released a BIOS update for some owners experiencing fan issues. We experienced no issues and did not upgrade this sample.

From a price to performance view this card is a no-brainer. From around 270 Pounds Sterling, for Nvidia fans and general gamers, it’s going to be a good Christmas. The MSI GTX 970 GAMING Twin Frozr V as a complete product is good, the limited edition mouse mat is going to be someone’s pride and joy, because the GTX 970 bundled with has set a new standard. Two of these cards in SLI will become a normal site in the next 12 months. It’s going to be a perfect mITX build graphics card, we tested it, and it is a better fit than the PNY XLR8 GeForce GTX 770 – Enthusiast Edition we previously reviewed.


MSI GTX 970 GAMING Twin Frozr V Graphics Card


MSI GTX 970 GAMING Twin Frozr V Graphics Card Review

Package and Bundle - 9
Performance - 9.8
Price - 9
Consumer Experience - 9.5


The MSI GTX 970 GAMING Twin Frozr V is a very exciting product. It feels, performs and looks like a step change from the GTX770. Not to say the previous generation is obsolete, it is just the GTX 970 is a very mature and accomplished release. There hasn't been this sort of buzz around the GTX series in years, or at least one that was confirmed to be gratified.