XFX AMD Radeon R9 Fury X Graphics Card Review

Admin Video Cards 2528

Watch_Dogs is a similar story to Crysis 3, it wasn’t very playable and the Fury X didn’t quite have the horsepower to concern the GTX 980 Ti.

XFX Radeon R9 Fury X WD | amCharts

4K Results

Next some 4K results and as always, synthetic results are first.

XFX Radeon R9 Fury X 3D Mark 4K | amCharts

The XFX Radeon R9 Fury X result is good, but it is enough behind the Zotac GTX 980 Ti to be slightly noticeable during the benchmark and possibly impact other games during 4K action.

Next,  Battlefield 4K.

bf4 2015-06-27 11-13-12-68

XFX Radeon R9 Fury X BF 4K | amCharts

We also ran the tests with our standard test resolution settings, Ultra everything and maxxed out driver settings.  Battlefield 4K really suffered, though there were moments of extremely good game play, the performance drops on a number of occasions and wasn’t really a match for the 980 Ti.

crysis3 2015-06-27 11-23-07-92

XFX Radeon R9 Fury X Cry3 4K | amCharts

Crysis 3 wasn’t playable in any way, and to be honest, we think there was a compatibility issue. We ran all of the 4K benchmark sessions twice to validate, same results each time, avoid Crysis 3 with this card.

XFX AMD Radeon R9 Fury X Graphics Card Review

Package and Bundle - 8.5
Performance - 8.5
Price - 8
Consumer Experience - 8.5


At around £550 in the UK we expected a whole lot more though. Maybe we are easily disappointed or expected too much, and the fact that our sample may have been from the B grade of stock doesn't help, but it also worries us. That's a lot of money, and if you received it in a similar condition as we did, you would send it back.