Zotac Nvidia GTX 980 Ti Graphics Card Review

Admin Video Cards 2797

Far Cry 3 next, and more of the same performance we have seen from Crysis 3.

farcry3_d3d11 2015-06-27 11-35-10-20

The big spikes are actually screen loads;  We played this one live for the 4K experience and the load screens caused an issue with FPS. Not really an issue, probably down to the game code and how it handles the GPU during disc and CPU load.

Zotac NVIDIA GTX 980 Ti 6GB FC3 4K | amCharts

Still, not very playable either way, again, the way it is not meant to be played!

Watch_Dogs next, and this is a game that didn’t respond well to 4K, we had to double check the settings as the texture quality looked degraded, but all was set to Ultra. The game played well, though didn’t look good.

Watch_Dogs 2015-06-27 11-26-30-77

The FPS is excellent for 4K resolutions, playable and smooth.

Zotac NVIDIA GTX 980 Ti 6GB WD 4K | amCharts

The smallest dip below 50 FPS is super impressive for 4K resolutions with everything set to Ultra, maybe this is they way it’s meant to be played!


The Zotac NVIDIA GTX 980 Ti is a whopper of a graphics card, but it has a whopping price tag, on the UK Amazon Store we found this at £510.90, that includes recent price drops in response to the Radeon Fury X launch. £510.90 is some peoples wages in a month, it is a considerable amount of money, but is it worth it? The answer is really about two GTX 970’s in SLi, being faster and only now slightly more expensive than one Zotac Nvidia GTX 980 Ti graphics card.


If you have deep pockets this is a no brainer, it is intelligently fast, quiet and two, three or even four of these in SLi will set you apart for the next 12 months from just about anyone with cash to burn on the best gaming rig money can buy. As for the Titan X’s bloody nose, well who would buy a Titan X now?

Zotac Nvidia GTX 980 Ti Graphics Card Review

Package and Bundle - 8.5
Performance - 9.2
Price - 8
Consumer Experience - 9.5


If you have deep pockets this is a no brainer, it is intelligently fast, quiet and two, three or even four of these in SLi will set you apart for the next 12 months from just about anyone with cash to burn on the best gaming rig money can buy. As for the Titan X's bloody nose, well who would buy a Titan X now?