Ballistix Elite 3466 MHz DDR4 32Gb Memory Kit Review

Admin Memory 2358

DDR4 z270 6700 PCMark 08 249201 | amCharts

DDR4 z270 6700 Cinebench 249201 | amCharts

Packaging - 7.9
Warranty - 7.7
Compatibility/Stability - 8.4
Price - 8
Consumer Experience - 8.5


When we added up our scores, the Ballistix Elite 3466 MHz DDR4 Memory Kit managed to get into the “Recommended” category, and we are super impressed by this kit. We would recommend you think hard about a kit like this if you own an early X99 chipset motherboard, but anything else, and this is an excellent upgrade, though you will notice this less if you have 3200Mhz memory already.

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