EVGA Z170 Stinger Motherboard Review

Admin Motherboards 4336

Not only have we said goodbye to DDR3, but there is no PS/2 port on the back, which is a welcome omission as it’s a technology from a bygone era.


Quarter by Quarter

Here is our quarter by quarter section, where you can see the motherboard lay out and close up.

The Stinger has the usual mITX constraints and designs; One sided DIMM clips, SATA ports next to the PCIe slot and an upright CMOS battery.


EVGA have spent some time on the BIOS interface, though it’s a little bit behind the excellent Asus interface they are shipping with their Z170 motherboards. Take it or leave it though, it still works and EVGA fans may just want this sort of thing.

It has a nice and clear header which shows volts, temperatures and current configurations, some of which you don’t normally get to see without digging through the BIOS.

EVGA Z170 Stinger Motherboard Review

Package - 9.5
Performance - 9.7
Price - 8.5
Consumer Experience - 9


The EVGA Z170 Stinger is a little on the expensive side, which is reflected in our overall score, but the rest is heaven. If you have never bought an EVGA product, you should. If you are looking for the finest Wi-Fi less mITX motherboard money can buy, you've found it.