EVGA Z170 Stinger Motherboard Review

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Next, some IOMeter results, and this is a continuation of the CrystalDiskMark results. Every test we ran resulted in a significant increase in the Z170’s output compared to the MSI Z97I Gaming AC. This is no refection on MSI, rather the Z97 Chipset which a couple of months ago was on everyone’s shopping list.

EVGA Z170 Stinger IOMeter Read | amCharts

However, it’s time to tear that list up, or at least scribble out Z97 and write Z170. The performance in random read and write has increased tangibly. It seems like a perfect time to go RAID SSD or maybe even M.2. We have been testing our recently reviewed Samsung SM951 512GB M.2 on a ASUS z170M Plus motherboard with excellent results.

We tested this when we reviewed it on an Intel X99 Chipset, with uninspiring results, built the Z170 makes high end M.2 drives fly.

EVGA Z170 Stinger IOMeter Write | amCharts

Up to 20% increase in some results, this is a step change in performance, the EVGA Z170 Stinger seems to have harnessed this well.

Next AIDA64 memory results and we have decided to drop the GPGPU test and concentrate on using them for graphics tests only. The results below are from the AIDA64 Cache and Memory test, which we run for every CPU and motherboard review.

This is going to be a bit of a slam dunk with the biggest and most obvious change to the new Intel Chipset being the introduction of DDR4 into the mainstream chipsets. No longer can you keep the RAM you have been using for about 5 years from system to system, it won’t physically fit anymore, and the volts have gone down too.

This is it for DDR3, which has to be in our mind, the finest specification of RAM so far, at least for the mainstream lot. Let’s hope that DDR4 will see us proud for the next few years.

So there is no surprise to the DDR4 Z170 chipset ahead in the synthetic results. With the higher storage throughput and the DDR4, the EVGA Z170 Stinger, or by the looks of it any Z170 Chipset, is going to be a serious contender for anybody’s upgrade wish list, possibly even the X99 elite.

EVGA Z170 Stinger AIDA64 Memory Performace | amCharts

DDR4 is still expensive however, though we don’t think there will be a massive uptake in the DDR3 Z170 options, it looks like time to ditch the old and start saving for some new shiny RAM.

EVGA Z170 Stinger Motherboard Review

Package - 9.5
Performance - 9.7
Price - 8.5
Consumer Experience - 9


The EVGA Z170 Stinger is a little on the expensive side, which is reflected in our overall score, but the rest is heaven. If you have never bought an EVGA product, you should. If you are looking for the finest Wi-Fi less mITX motherboard money can buy, you've found it.