Crucial MX300 Limited Edition 750Gb SSD Storage Review

Admin Storage 1873

IOMeter next and we run through or usual IOPS and Mb/s tests. It’s important to run a test file larger than your memory capacity, so your Operating System and hardware is forced to use the storage rather than attempting to buffer the system RAM. So with 16Gb of RAM in our test system, we opted for our usual 20Gb test file. We also included the following parameters for the IOMeter tests;

  • Full Random
  • 20Gb test file
  • 30 minute per test
  • 10 second warm up

The test takes a few hours, and always an overnight run, so the drive is going to be thoroughly tested and stressed giving a good indication of high workload scenario like gaming or using Photoshop.

IOMeter Random Read Ref 13062016 | amCharts

IOMeter Random Write Ref 13062016 | amCharts

IOMeter Random Read and Write performance of the MX300 on the X99 platform is excellent. There is no doubt that the MX300 is more than a worthy replacement for the aging MX200 series. The type of performance noted here is something you will feel if you upgrade from an MX200 to an MX300 drive.

Crucial MX300 Limited Edition 750Gb SSD Storage Review

Package - 8
Performance - 8.5
Price - 8
Consumer Experience - 8


The MX300 series promises faster speeds, bigger capacities and a long life, the latter point we cannot confirm, but the first two do seem to be right on the money. The Crucial MX300 Limited Edition 750Gb SSD as a release on its own is a good drive and we are happy to see performance and capacity on par with Crucial’s mainstream competitors. If this is a sign of things to come from Micron and Crucial, even if you are not a fan, it’s promising.