Lexar Portable SSD 512GB Storage Review

Admin Storage 4106

IOMeter next and we run through our usual IOPS and Mb/s tests. It’s important to run a test file larger than your memory capacity, so your Operating System and hardware is forced to use the storage rather than attempting to buffer the system RAM. So with 16Gb of RAM in our test system, we opted for our usual 20Gb test file. We also included the following parameters for the IOMeter tests;

  • Full Random
  • 20Gb test file
  • 30 minute per test
  • 10 second warm up

The test takes a few hours, and we always run them overnight so the drive is going to be thoroughly tested and stressed giving a good indication of high workload scenario like gaming or using Photoshop. We appreciate the debate around how valid IOPS results are, but we have included other drives as a comparison. We include IOPS and Mb/s IOMeter results.

IOMeter Random Read Ref 05092016 | amCharts

The IOMeter Random Read results show the Lexar Portable SSD is slightly behind when it comes to small file sizes, but the 256Kb test run shows a healthy performance jump over its team-mate, the Lexar Professional Workflow DD512. It’s also giving the Crucial MX200 SSD a run for its money in the all tests.

Lexar Portable SSD 512GB Storage Review

Package - 8
Performance - 8
Price - 7.5
Consumer Experience - 7.5


The Lexar Portable SSD is a fast drive, and it is small and compact enough to fit in your pocket. At 62 grams, without the cable, it's also not going to cause a lot of backpack or suitcase issues. There are plenty of portable SSD's out here, and unless you are transporting a sizable back up, you need to consider an SSD external drive, and this is where the Lexar Portable SSD comes good. It's fast enough to be impressive and it's cheap enough to be affordable.