Western Digital 4TB Red HDD Storage Review

Admin Storage 2634


For years the Hard Disk Drive was the mainstay of all commercial personal computers around the world. It’s had a bashing lately from the superb Solid State Drive technology, paving the future for fast, low power and robust main system storage. So where does this leave the not so humble HDD? Of late, the HDD has had a bit of a comeback, but only from a capacity point of view. HDD’s have pushed forward with a new lease of life as the ultimate back up and server or NAS storage solution.

We are at 8Tb capacities’ now, something SSD’s can only dream of, and it was a necessary step to ensure a future for HDD’s. They cannot match SSD’s for speed, power consumption and just for the fact they have a number of moving parts, they do seem to be a thing of the past, but not if you own a NAS, home server or a data centre, not that we own one of those.

Our home server articles have used Western Digital 4TB Red’s throughout, so we thought it was about time we benchmark it.

Form Factor3.5 Inch internal HDD
Rotational SpeedIntelliPower (5400 RPM)
Buffer Size64 MB
Transfer Rates6 Gb/s (Max) Buffer To Host (Serial ATA)
Formatted Capacity4,000,787 MB
Max sustained data rate150MB/s
Capacity6Tb / 5Tb / 4Tb / 3Tb / 2Tb
Platter capacity1TB
Target Performance MTBF1,000,000 hours
Active Power ConsumptionRead/Write 250 mA
Idle 230 mA
Standby 7 mA
Sleep 7 mA
Warranty3 Years

Western Digital 4TB Red

We have six in total, though our results are for single disk only. For RAID results, please see our HomeServer Project.

Western Digital 4TB Red HDD Storage Review

Package - 9
Performance - 8.5
Price - 8.6
Consumer Experience - 8.5


We put this together due to the solid performance we are seeing with our HomeServer project. We had a fair idea on how this drive would perform, we tested extensively prior to deciding on the RAID configuration. We wanted to run through a dedicated review to show the average reader the performance of this HDD without the context of a Server build, so what do we think of the Western Digital 4TB Red?