MSI Z97I Gaming AC and R9 270X Gaming ITX review

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We review, test and benchmark the MSI Z97I Gaming AC motherboard and Radeon R9 270X Gaming ITX – You betta pick up magnifying glass alright as this will be among the smallest fully fetched Z97 motherboard you will lay your eyes on. The Z97I Gaming AC is made on a Mini-ITX form factor, that means you can seat a processor as powerful as the Core i7 4790K into this motherboard that is 17×17 CM. It still has a fully fetched PCIe x16 slot, KillerNIC Gigabit Ethernet, WIFI, USB 3.0 and heck even four SATA 6 Gbps ports. To make things even tastier we pair it with a Radeon R9 270X Gaming ITX graphics card. And the combination is just really good.
