OCZ Vertex 3 Max IOPS 240GB Solid State Drive Review

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Back when I was in high school, I got this particular memorable encouragement note in a fellowship group activity from this girl in church. “Being outspoken all the time does not necessarily make you cool”, it read. “Sometimes there is a need to shut up.” Well, for one thing, this ‘encouragement’ note did not sound very… encouraging. And secondly, in my defense, it is not my fault I have so much to say. I am just so well learned in every subject, I simply cannot help it if everyone wants to listen to me, haha. You know what? Even I impress myself sometimes. I bet she is just jealous. At this point, you are probably tempted to hit the back button. You are probably thinking to yourself, “What a jerk. He is so cocky!” (Oh hey,how did I know that?) To quote what I always say, “It’s not showing off ifit’s a fact”. (By the way, if you don’t want any friends, this is how youshould act — the note is real; the rest, I am just poking around with you, haha.) But let’s pause for a moment and think. Is it really showing off if something is, in fact, brilliant?
