QNAP HS-210 Review

Admin Topics 225

Hello guys, Jonathan Kwan here. In this multi-author review, I would just like to start off with a little story before passing the time on to my colleague Preston Yuen for the next few pages. Earlier last week, I received a text message in the morning from a friend, asking if I was interested in seeing “Guardians of the Galaxy”. Because I have spent pretty much the entire first week of August hanging out every night — with pretty much the exactly the same group of people, no joke — I decided it was probably a wise choice to catch up on some work instead. As such, I politely declined, and asked her to let me know how the movie went. The next day, I saw her, and asked her how it turned out. As the story unfolded, after spending all this effort in coordinating an event to watch “Guardians of the Galaxy” as a group, she actually did not show up herself.
