Sentey Lumenata Pro Gaming Mouse Review

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Full Disclosure: The product sample used in this article has been provided courtesy of Sentey Inc. What is the point in purchasing a gaming mouse vs a regular mouse? When you make the decision to invest in a quality gaming mouse, such as the Sentey Lumenata Pro, it goes without saying that you won’t only be using the mouse for gaming. With the features and responsiveness this mouse offers, it will easily become your “go to” mouse for all of your objectives. Nowadays every computer user uses an optical mouse, my apologies for those of you stuck with old “ball mice” at work, and don’t necessarily know the difference in DPIs(Dots Per Inch) or polling rates. But this is, so you came here because you’re either already or an up and coming enthusiast! If your hunt is for a very nice gaming mouse that meets and exceeds it’s factory specifications, as well as my expectations, then you’ve come to the right place. As we delve deeper into the Lumenata Pro’s features, we’ll also be testing its responsiveness(DPI), its polling rate, as well as real world everyday use for both gaming and other mouse intensive task such as Photoshop.
