SilentiumPC Grandis XE1236 CPU Cooler Review

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Yesterday we had to turn on both air conditioners to keep the temperature in our lab at 23 degrees in order to wrap up some tests since according to our Oregon Scientific weather station temperature outside was roughly 33 degrees Celsius. Summer is (almost) over however and so i expect temperatures to drop rapidly by the end of September which is good news for us since that will allow us to do our jobs easier. Now as most of you know Intel announced their X99 mainboard chipset a few days back along with their new 59xx line of Core i7 CPUs and although we will not be reviewing either (well we may just review the mainboard model we will be using) we plan on replacing our Core i7-920 system with a brand new Core i7-5930x one which will of course become our primary test rig and move our Core i7-3930x one in second place. Until that happens however we will continue to test products with our Core i7-3930x rig and today strapped on it we have the latest Grandis XE1239 CPU Cooler by SilentiumPC.
