Trials Fusion PlayStation 4 Game Review

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When Redlynx first launched Trials to the world many years ago, it was probably beyond its wildest dreams how popular the series would become. When you look at it on paper, it seems like the kind of title that would appear to a niche audience, but a few years later we have the game launching on next-generation consoles in the form of Trials Fusion.

Fusion really is the first game to try and mix up the core gameplay of trials with a few different things. Thankfully though, the insane difficulty level and addictive nature of the core game remains. This is a game that will have you up all night trying to complete a tough level.

For those who are not familiar with the Trials series, it basically is a series of progressively more difficult motorcycle stunt tracks to complete. The main aim of the game is to get from point A to point B as fast as you can, but Trials also throws in a few more challenges – such as limiting the amount of times your rider falls off and for the first time in Trials Fusion, completing tricks whilst finishing the tracks. The latter is one of the biggest changes to the Trials formula since its inception and against all odds, it suits the series perfectly.
